Aerodrome Reporting - in a Flowchart

Aerodrome Reporting Flowchart - Landscape - v0.2 I like to sit at my computer and draw things, despite the fact that I'm no artist. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I would have a go at putting the various aerodrome reporting requirements, the procedures you might find in that section of the aerodrome manual, into a flowchart to help out anyone who is a bit confused by the various requirements.

It's not easy to get your head around the multitude of requirements especially when a small sentence in some other chapter of the Manual of Standards Part 139 might trigger a whole set of other requirements. To help keep the situation clear, I also added in the Transport Safety Investigation Act requirements, well some of them anyway.

So, I hope this flowchart helps - if not, let me know in the comments below.

Update - with the kind help of fellow Aerodrome Inspectors Darren Angelo and Danny Eatock, I've made a few changes to the flowchart. I hope they may it clearer. Let me know.

Dan Parsons

Dan is an airport operations manager currently working at Queenstown Airport in beautiful New Zealand. His previous roles have included airport and non-process infrastructure operation manager in the mining industry, government inspector with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and airport trainer. Dan’s special interests include risk management, leadership and process hacks to make running airports easier.

Low Visibility Operations


St. Barth's Airport