Posts about stuff relating to airports
5 Ways to Improve Your Aerodrome Manual
I've seen my fair share of aerodrome manuals. Every audit begins with a review of an aerodrome manual and in my past life as a consultant, I wrote a few as well. Unfortunately, the state of the vast majority of aerodrome manuals I've encountered, including my own, could best be described as "needs improvement". But before we get to the tips, let’s just rehash the aerodrome manual rationale. Why do we have this document?
ATI Inspector Form
Very few aerodromes I visit take the time to make sure the person or persons who carry out their aerodrome technical inspections meet the qualification and experience requirements laid out in CASR 139.240. So, to help you out, I developed an easy to use form that helps guide you through the process and satisfy the record keeping expectations of regulators.
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio (via Pexels)
Aerodrome Reporting - in a Flowchart
Aerodrome Reporting Flowchart - Landscape - v0.2 I like to sit at my computer and draw things, despite the fact that I'm no artist. A couple of weeks ago, I thought I would have a go at putting the various aerodrome reporting requirements, the procedures you might find in that section of the aerodrome manual, into a flowchart to help out anyone who is a bit confused by the various requirements.
"a sweep of the runway collected more than 20 bird carcasses"
I spied a couple of news reports of a mass bird-strike at DFW Airport today and the above quote jumped out at me. The procedure for checking the runway following a bird-strike is not required under Australian regulations and is not always included in the aerodrome manual - despite being a really, very, really good idea.
Airservices NOTAM Form
Airservices NOTAM Form - ARO Version This NOTAM form has been in the wild now for nearly (or is that over) a year now, so I'm hoping most Australian aerodrome operators are aware of it, if not using it. Anyway, I'm working on another little reporting tool at the moment and having a quick link to this document on the blog would be helpful.
Header image: Cytonn Photography (via Pexels)