Posts about stuff relating to airports

Collaboration is Key: Revising ICAO's IBIS Manual
I have just spent a week in Washington DC working with an amazing team on a revision of the ICAO Birdstrike Information System (IBIS) manual. This document outlines how States (countries) should send wildlife strike data to ICAO but at thirty years old, you can appreciate how out of date its guidance is.
Header image - me

Phase 1 is a Go! Calling all WHM Experts
Apologies for the blog being a little quiet and a little one side of late but I have been working pretty hard behind the scenes to get my PhD up to this point. And now, I can say that we are a go.
Header image: Forest Katsch (via Pexels)

PhD Milestone Achieved...sort of
Just a quick update to say that my University is happy with my proposed research project and has confirmed that it is, or at least will be if all goes according to plan, sufficient for the granting of a PhD. So, I have been granted a provisional confirmation with the next step is human ethics approval.
Header image: Adrian Frentescu (via Pexels)

Non-Strike Wildlife Events: Just as Important as a Strike?
Eagle-eyed* readers may have noticed the new menu item at the top. This new page outlines my PhD research project which is looking into wildlife strike reporting practices and standards. By pure coincidence, a couple of my favourite Youtube channels have just featured wildlife-related aviation events that did not involve collisions with birds. These types of events go to heart of my motivation for taking on my particular research question.
Header image: Janiere Fernandez (via Pexels)