Posts about stuff relating to airports

Hashtag AAWHG 2022 Forum
Now that I’ve had a week to come down from an enormous couple of days at the Australian Aviation Wildlife Hazard Group’s (AAWHG) 2022 Forum, I thought I would share some of my highlights . The AAWHG Forum is the biennial migration of all manner of wildlife hazard management practitioners, researchers, consultants and stakeholders into a select location to discuss, present and chat about anything that relates to the intersection of aircraft and wildlife. But I haven’t the time to give you all a play by play. Instead, I’d like to share some of my bigger “take aways” and one big criticism.

Expanding Safety Performance Indicators for Wildlife Hazard Management
Recently, I was invited to speak “at” an airport safety conference on the topic of birds and habitat management. The presentation I delivered was an extension of a previous article I wrote about safety performance indicators with a twist towards wildlife hazard management in particular. The conference organisers have now shared the videos of their program for free but I’ve got the bit with me included here.
Image credit: Christina Morillo (via Pexels)

Indonesia, here I come...
I'm off to Jakarta next week to present a workshop on SMS to the Indonesian DGCA's SAG members from their Directorates of Airports and Air Navigation. It'll be my second trip to Jakarta and I'm really looking forward working with the Indonesians again - they are a great bunch of people, very friendly and polite. Anyway, I thought I would share the slides I'll be presenting - just for general interest's sake. I've had a go at translating most of the headings into Bahasa Indonesia using translated versions of their regulations and Google translate. I hope there are no major errors!