Friday Funny: An Airport Love Story

As a generative natural language model, ChatGPT is good at writing. And thanks to its colossal training data set (something like the whole Internet up to September 2021), it already knows a lot of stories. Moreover, it is capable of writing in a multitude of different styles.

So, for a quick “Friday funny” post, please enjoy Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet re-imagined as an airport safety love story (no tragedy in this one).

At fair Vermona International Airport, where we lay our scene,

Two lovers met at a safety seminar.

One, a fair maid named Suzzie, worked for Angel Airways,

The other, a man of noble name, Chad, did work for Northern Airlines.

Their love did blossom like a rose in spring,

But alas, their coworkers did not share in their joy.

For they did work for rival airlines,

And such a love was not to be employed.

But Chad and Suzzie, they did not despair,

For their love was strong and true.

However, their troubles were not yet through,

For Dimir, a coworker of Suzzie's, did drive airside in a dangerous way.

Chad, with a sense of duty, did report the deed,

But Suzzie's coworkers, they did not see it as such.

They asked Suzzie to submit a false report,

Accusing Chad of a crime he did not commit.

But Suzzie, she did not comply,

For her love for Chad, it did not permit.

And so, they were left with no choice

But to leave their jobs behind.

They did not lament this strife for long,

For they knew that their love was strong.

And they took up work at the airport operator,

As safety officers,

where they could be together

and ensure the safety of all.

Thus ends the tale of Chad and Suzzie,

Two lovers who did overcome all obstacles in their way.

May their love forever be strong and true,

At fair Vermona International Airport, where they work to this day

ChatGPT wrote about 95% of this story on it’s second try. The first time, it revealed the airport operator job plot twist too early. I tweaked the second story a little and probably made it far less Shakespearean.

Dan Parsons

Dan is an airport operations manager currently working at Queenstown Airport in beautiful New Zealand. His previous roles have included airport and non-process infrastructure operation manager in the mining industry, government inspector with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and airport trainer. Dan’s special interests include risk management, leadership and process hacks to make running airports easier.

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